Showing posts with label Art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Art. Show all posts

what's for lunch?

hulky wanna eaty
halo semua... apa kabarnya hari ini? hope u guys doing well...
jangan lupa makan siang yah :) seperti hulk yang imut-imut ini


let them laugh

hello everyone, random art again :)
actually it's my nephew silhouette. I made it by his mom request for his 3rd birthday :D
I bought him a pair of shoes. He like it very much. He show and tell each of his friend that he got the shoes from me, so cute!

Back to topic, as you can see. I overlaying my nephew silhouette with some abandoned playground. That's what today's children facing. No more enough open space for them to play and hang out with friends of their age.

Children stayed up in their room, facing game console and tv every day. They don't do enough exercises so they body can stay healthy :(

For you guys who have child or nephew or cousing take them out from their room/house once a while. Play with them outside :) Don't always take them to the mall on weekend. Go fishing, camping or just pay ball outside the house.


i wanna sleep all day

let's sleep
don't wanna do anything this weekend, let's just sleep all day. pengennya sih begitu.. tapi weekend ini weekend yang sibuk, like the rest of my weekend recently, i've never get time to lazying. not take a bath and just sitting in front of my tv while enjoying some snack... when i can do such thing again....


friday is disco day

let's disco all night long

honestly I never been to night club....
Hari jumat saatnya bersuka ria, it's time to go crazy!!
let's party all night long fellas... :)
enjoy your weekend


it's a good day

it's a good morning for everyone :)

Ayo bangun pagi, put your suit up..!! dandan yang rapih, put a big smile on your face... say hi to everyone you meet... let's share the positive energy to around us :D

wish u a great morning!


let's play music

grandpa with accordion

hello fellas...!!
wuii lama banget ya gw gak update blog.. but here I am now :)
hari ini lagi gak ada kerjaan di kantor, iseng-iseng bikin ilustrasi langsung di photoshop and voila!! seorang kakek dengan terlihat sedang memainkan accordion merah tuanya. meskipun tua accordion miliknya masih terawat dan bisa menghasilkan alunan nada yang indah, meskipun tempo musik yang dihasilkan sang kakek agak off beat karena usinya sehingga jemarinya tidak lagi selincah dulu.

Enjoy your afternoon guys :)


Sketch Collection April - Project Sleep and more

Do you guys still remember di postingan gw yang ini gw bilang gw mau gambar orang tidur dalam berbagai pose dan berbagai keadaan, well sampe sekarang baru 2 gambar lagi yang gw buat. here it is...

7 days at sea

book on my lap

dan kemaren gw abis bikin sketch lagi tapi gak ada hubungannya sama project sleep tadi. Pas gw surfing di dunia maya, gw liat foto cewe yang menarik menurut gw, trus gw gambar deh gini jadinya

flower girl

Well that's all for today, owh iya gw kemaren kan pas long wiken pulang ke Tegal, gw bakalan share cerita di Tegal kemarin, keep following my blog updates :D see ya guys....


Sketch Collection March - People

Showcase ke dua sketch book gw, I've been drawing a lot since there's nothing to do in office, so I just started drawing till I get home :D. Nothing much, only simple sketch and Illustration, here take a look....

Ini ceritanya people with technology these days, they losing their head. Social media make people less social, i"m one of the victim juga sih kayaknya :(

sketch of someone hand holding a camera

just simple sketch of a Man with his sun glasses, and beard in a suit

let's go
Lovers flying up high in the sky (i don't see any sky? just assume it's there :p)

I was gonna paint her lip red, but I don't have any red ink with me in Office, so I just keep it like this, just imagine her lip was red

Lovers kissing under the rain, yeah that pattern on the top left corner is rain -___-"

Below are 2 pieces that I named Project Sleep. From today I'm gonna start drawing people sleeping viewed from above. The first one man sleeping in his couch while watching DVD, and the second one is a young adult woman, sleeping in his bath tub, too much liquor I think, and she is too lazy too move her ass to the bed :p


Sketch Collection January - March 2012

hello readers, how are you... :)
It's 3:17 pm and it's raining really hard outside. I can feel the cold through the thick wall of my office (owh it's the AC actually). It's been a week since my last post. Tadinya mau ngepost tentang kegiatan pengobatan gratis di cilincing last saturday. Tapi baru inget foto-fotonya blom di transfer ke pc, dan kameranya gw tinggal di kosan. Jadi tar malem aja deh ato besok.

Lagi gak ada kerjaan di kantor. kebetulan td gw juga masuk siang karena pagi nya ada urusan, sampe kantor ternyata anak-anak tim web pada gak masuk. Ini tandanya waktunya bersantai ria di kantor. Dari jam 11 tadi gw masuk sampe sekarang gw belom dapet kerjaan, cuman nontonin youtube ama browsing toko online, cari barang-barang unik dan murah :P

Trus tadi buka lookbook and langsung attracted sama foto ini 
Jadi pengen gambar, akhirnya gw keluarin sketch book gw yang masih sepi (jarang gambar, gak kayak jaman kuliah) Trus jadi kayak gini deh

Gw cuma ambil bagian kepalanya, not bad lah I think (narsis).

Oiya berhubung dengan sketch ini gw juga mau sekalian share sketch-sketch gw dari bulan Januari kemarin. Gw baru kali ini beli sketchbook. Sebelumnya kalo gambar suka sembarangan, asal ada kertas kosong. Tapi akhir tahun kemaren gw memutuskan untuk membeli sketchbook. Terinspirasi dari portfolio orang di Sketchbook mereka keren-keren banget. Gambar2nya superb, even yang cuma doodling gak jelas jadinya oke banget.

Gambar burung ini tool yang gw pake gak cuman satu lho ada bebrapa tool yang gw pake. Kertas origami, Spidol, Crayon, Pensil warna. Badannya yang merah gw pake kertas origami, gw potong sesuai bentuk badannya, sebelumnya d gambar dulu pake pensil. Trus kakinya gw warnain pake pensil berwarna. Paruhnya gw warnain pake sipdol. Ranting sama daun ama background biru gw pake crayon :D

Ini gambar random, entah maksudnya gw gambar ini juga apa gw gak tau, tau-tau jadinya kayak gini. Anonymous Killer gitu lah hahaha....

Reminds me my childhood, dulu gw suka banget koleksi maenan dinosaurus, trus pake lilin mainan gw bikin goa, pohon2an, trus gw bikin latar belakang pra sejarah di kertas hvs, trus gw maenin deh, pura-puranya kayak lagi nonton film jurrasic park gitu. Tadinya mau bikin karakter dino satu, eh keterusan jadi rame deh :D

It should be katy perry, tapi gak mirip sama sekali kecuali be-ha lancipnya >___<

Ini seri zombie/undead gitu, gw bikin sekeluarga. Tadinya cuma bikin mama nya, terus keterusan, suaminya sampe anak-anaknya :)

Cangkir meleduk. Tadinya cuma gambar cangkir ada tengkoraknya gitu, terus ditambahin pelangi, ditambahin orang-orangan, ampe rame jadi full satu halaman.

Ini gara-gara lagi laper dan belum jam makan siang, sementara di meja kerja gak ada cemilan, akhirnya gambar orang gendut lagi makan sandwhich. Efeknya gw makin laper -____-"

well that's all for today :)


February Art Set

out of reach
too much information

I'm obsessed with deer this February. It's started when I see a 3D paper deer puzzle on the web. I wanna purchase this one. But it's seems interesting if I make it by myself. So i googling for the pattern. But no one had posted it online. So I try to figure it out by myself. It's still on progress. If I succed making it. I'm gonna post the pattern on my blog. Wish me luck :D


January 2012 art set

New artwork for january, happy with all of it :D
wish u can enjoy it too.

Click the picture to see the bigger version...
walk away
red lips
brown city
looking back
bunny head
black dress
born to be wild
through the looking glass

this all for sale, contact me if u interested to buy any of my artwork. Perfect for printed on tees and other too :D


Wedding invitation comic

4 panel simple comic strips for my brother wedding invitation :D


Opening animation for Ragunan Kiosk Information

haha finally it's done.. please click the button below to see the animation :D 

Opening Ragunan Kiosk by ~dannyrizal on deviantART


I Remember

wow, a lot been happening these days.... kayak bencana di Indonesia tercinta kita ini yang gak abis-abis. Tapi untungnya itu gak bikin timnas Indonesia jadi lemah. Congrats for their 3 times winning. Hope they can make it to the final. amin...

Well postingan ini gak bakalan ngomongin bencana, atau kehebatan tim garuda yang mulai bangkit dan kembali mengepakkan sayapnya.  Coz i'm not really into football or any sport.Gw cuma pengen share karya terbaru gw. Yaitu stop motion video.

Stop motion (also known as stop action or frame-by-frame) is an animation technique to make a physically manipulated object appear to move on its own. The object is moved in small increments between individually photographed frames, creating the illusion of movement when the series of frames is played as a continuous sequence.
Ini merupakan karya iseng yang gak ada maksud apa-apa selain sebagai latihan teknik stop motion. Bukan wat diikutin lomba (gw yakin klo diikutin pun gak bakalan masuk jadi finalis). Ini video masih cupu banget. Cuma mengandalkan ketekunan, kengototan, dan kerja keras serta beberapa alat, sarana dan prasarana yang minim dan seadanya, hehehehe... Potongan gambar yang diambil pake digital camera ini juga gak terlalu banyak. Keliatan dari hasilnya yang masih terlalu putus-putus banget. Kurang smooth. Tapi it's ok namanya juga pemula, masih banyak waktu untuk terus belajar dan memperbaiki kesalahan yang ada. Total penyelesaiannya cuman butuh 2-3 jam.

Gak lupa juga terima kasih gw ucapin wat Mocca yang udah bikin lagu yang keren banget, udah berapa kali gw pake lagu mereka di video2 yang pernah gw buat. I remember ini salah satu favorit gw. Last word, enjoy!!!

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